Week-by-Week Unit Outline: Analysing and Presenting
an Argument
The Following is a week-by-week breakdown for each
WEEK the Lessons to be covered are listed. Under each LESSON is a
‘learning intention,’ ‘Check your understanding,’ and the corresponding blog
from ‘mrmunners@blogspot.com.au’
Lesson 1: One Period
Learning Intention:
To understand the purpose of a Language Analysis.
Check Your Understanding:
Can I explain the purpose of a
Do I understand the idea of a language analysis?
Do I understand why we complete LA?
Topics and (related BLOG)
Lesson 2: 1 Period
Learning Intention:
To be able to identify ITACT within an article and
effectively communicate this analysis in full sentences.
Check your understanding
I understand how to find ITACT in an article
I understand what ITACT stands for and what each of
the words mean.
I can explain how finding ITACT assists with your
understanding of the article.
I am able to communicate my analysis regarding
ITACT in full sentences.
Topics and (related BLOG)
ITACT: (What on earth is ITACT???)
Identifying Contentions: (Identifying and outlining
an author's contention)
Identifying Issues: (Identifying Issues 101)
What is the Audience: (An Audience NOT an Audience By Any Other Name)
The Tone: (The Tone of it ALL)
Lesson 3: 3 Periods
Romeo and Juliet SAC
Lesson 4 (2 Periods)
Learning Intention
To learn how to identify an author’s argument
within an article
Check Your Understanding
I can identify the reasons an author is providing
to support his POV
I can explain the supporting arguments from an
opinion article
I can identify and communicate an author’s
supporting argument in an opinion article
Topics and (Blog)
How to identify an author’s argument! ((2/2) A Tale of Three
Arguments: Identification)
Lesson 5 (3 Periods)
Learning Intention
To learn what PLT’s are, how to analyse them and be
able to construct a full sentence that outlines that analysis.
Check Your Understanding
I can construct a piece of prose that reflects my
analysis of the PLTs of a particularly article
I understand what a PLT is
I understand how PLTs are intended to impact on a
I can explain why it is important to target
specific readerships in my analysis
I can analyse how PLT’s are used to persuade the
I can communicate the analysis of PLT’s in full
Topics and (Blog)
Analysis of PLTs: ((3/2) PLTs: Identification
and Analysis)
Sentence Starters for LA essays: ((25/2) Sentence starters for
the Language Analysis Unit)
WEEK 3: (Distribution of LA CAT: Wednesday 6/5
Lesson 6 (2 Periods)
Learning Intention
To be able to analyse persuasive language and how
it is intended to persuade a reader of their POV.
Check Your Understanding
I understand how PLTs are intended to impact on a
I can explain why it is important to target
specific readerships in my analysis
I can analyse how PLT’s are used to persuade the
I can communicate the analysis of PLT’s in full
Topics and (Blog)
Analysing Language: 12/2 Analysing Language: A
Basic Guide
Identifying PLTs and Language: 19/2 A list of PLTs
Learning Activities
Lesson 7a (3 lessons)
Learning Intention
To learn how to put the skills we have learnt in
the ‘Arguing and Presenting Arguments’ unit into a well-structured essay.
Check Your Understanding:
Understand which skills are required for a language
analysis essay.
Understand the LA essay structure
Be confident in putting the skills learnt into a
cohesive essay
Be able to write a LA essay
Topics and (Blog)
LA structure- Putting it all together
Week 4: (CAT Due: 7/5)
Lesson 7b (2 lessons)
Learning Intention
To be able to improve our analysis of persuasive
language, how it is intended to persuade a reader of their POV and be able to
communicate it in a coherent form.
Check Your Understanding
LA: Using the Learning Intention
above how do you think you could check your understanding. What do you need to
have achieved by the end of this lesson
Be able to identify a PLT from an article
Be able to analyse how PLTs are used to impact a
Be able to communicate your analyse in full
Be able to answer why
Topics and (Blog)
Writing complex responses- Answering the Why?
Making sure your analysis relates to the contention
and issue- Avoiding Vague Analysis
Focusing on improving your analysis- Analysis Focusing on Body
How to write a conclusion- Writing a Kick Arse Conclusion
Learning Activities
Analysing Images
Lesson 8 (2 Lessons)
Learning Intention
To begin annotating and analysing the CAT article
and improve our understanding of the homosexual marriage issue.
Check Your Understanding
Annotate the CAT article
Identify ITACT for the CAT article
Have an understanding of the
homosexual marriage issue.
Topics and (Blog)
Annotating the CAT article
Peer assessment: introductions
Introduction and Analysing the image
Lesson 9 (1 Lesson)
Learning Intention
To begin/continue writing and planning the LA CAT
and learn how to analyse images/cartoons
Check Your Understanding
To have written an intro and received feedback
To have annotated the article
To have identified several arguments
To have substantially planned the essay
Topics and (Blog)
Peer assessment for INTRO
How to Write a Kick Arse Intro: LA Edition
Lesson 10 (2 Lessons)
Learning Intention
To reflect explicitly on the CAT and identify how
we can improve our LA writing
Check Your Understanding
I understand what I need to improve for my CAT
I am aware of how I am going to improve
I have written an action plan to improve my writing
Topics and (Blog)
CAT Reflection worksheet and action
Lesson 11 (2 Lessons)
Learning Intention
Lesson 1: To use the LA CAT reflection to improve
our understanding LA writing and to improve individual skills and the quality
of our LA writing.
Lesson 2: To practice specific skills, based on the
reflections on the CAT in completing 2 of 3 mini tasks.
Check Your Understanding
I can identify and describe the contention
I can identify, describe and analyse the tone of an
I can accurately identify the issue from an article
I can identify how the intended audience is
specific based on the contention and issue.
I can write an effective conclusion
I can effectively structure a body paragraph
Topics and (Blog)
Workshops to improve student understanding
Identifying Contentions: (Identifying and outlining
an author's contention)
The Tone: (The Tone of it ALL)
Identifying Issues: (Identifying Issues 101)
What is the Audience: (An Audience NOT an Audience By Any Other Name)
How to write a Conclusion:
Lesson 12 (1 Lessons)
Learning Intention
To develop a process of annotation and essay
planning for the LA unit
Check Your Understanding
I can employ a repetitive process to annotate and
plan an LA essay
I understand how to follow the flow planning chart
I can use the flow planning chart to improve my
essay writing
Topics and (Blog)
The LA Planning Flow Chart
Week 6
Lesson 13 (1 Lesson)
Learning Intention
To be able to annotate a LA article and identify
arguments, language and techniques in preparation for writing a language
analysis essay
Check Your Understanding
I can analyse language
I can annotate an article in 10 mins
I know what to look for when annotating
I can annotate and plan a language analysis essay
sufficiently in preparation for the SAC and end of semester exam.
Topics and (Blog)
How to Annotate an your article
Learning Activities:
1. Quick
Annotate: Andrew Charles article
2. Class
Annotate: Devine article
3. Team Essay:
Series of articles
Lesson 14 (1 Lesson)
Learning Intention
To mark and provide feedback for a series of sample
essays and identify at least 3 techniques to be applied to our own writing
Check Your Understanding
I can annotate an article in 5 mins
I know what to look for when annotating
I can focus on and analyse a specific word
I can analyse language in an organised and coherent
form (LA Structure)
I can complete a language analysis essay to a
satisfactory standard
Topics and (Blog)
How to annotate an article
Practice essays
Lesson 15 (1 Lesson)
Learning Intention
To revisit the language analysis structure and
consolidate our ability to analyse persuasive devices
Check Your Understanding
Topics and (Blog)
Practice essay writing
Practice Articles on blog
Learning Activities
Lesson 16 (1 Lesson)
Learning Intention
To improve our ability and the complexity of our
Check your understanding:
I can focus on and analyse a specific word
I know which words to focus on and why they are
I can analyse language
I can annotate an article in 5 mins
I know what to look for when annotating
I can construct complex analysis
Topics and (Blog)
Practice essay writing
Learning Activities
1. Quick Annotate: Sue Davis article
2. PLT TEST #3
3. Community Circle Analysis activity (Building
Lesson 17 (1 Lesson)
Learning Intention
To use teacher and peer feedback to practice
writing a Language analysis essay in preparation for the SAC/Exam
Check Your Understanding
Students to identify 3 skill areas they feel they
could improve upon and phrase them as check your understanding
· I can write a LA essay
Topics and (Blog)
Practice essay writing
Learning Activities
1. Quick Annotate: Gorging the Innocent
2. PLT TEST #1
Week 7 (SAC: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)
Lesson 18 (3
Language Analysis SAC: Tuesday, Wednesday,
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