Sunday, 15 February 2015

Romeo and Juliet Analysis Question #1.

Actual Essay Question
How is the Romeo portrayed in Act 1 Scene1 reflective of Romeo’s characterization throughout the entire play??

Paraphrased Essay Question

What do we learn about Romeo’s character in Act 1 Scene 1 and how does this foreshadow the tragedy at the plays conclusion??

Sample Body Paragraph

Topic Sentence:

In Act 1 Scene 1 Romeo is revealed to be <Identify one characteristic apparent in A1S1>


This leads to his eventual demise because <Why does this characteristic lead to his death>


When conversing with Romeo he comments that <One quote from A1S1 that relates to your supporting argument>.


Thus Romeo is <Why does the quote support your argument> and <How does this idea foreshadow his death (comment on fatal flaw)> and <What is Shakespeare suggesting about the world>.

Linking Sentence:

Thus, it could be suggested that in the initial scenes <How is Romeo characterised> and this results in <What is the ultimate consequence.>


We learn a lot about Romeo in the opening scene. Apart from what we are told we can infer certain things based on the structure of the narrative and the things that Shakespeare does tell us.

1) Romeo is impulsive and emotional immature.

2) Love has a powerful influence on Romeo's actions.

3) Romeo feels separate from the limitations placed on him by social and familial expectation.

4) Romeo is ignorant to the consequences of his actions.

Romeo and Juliet Analysis Questions Criteria

Romeo and Juliet Analysis Questions Marking Criteria.
Below is the marking criteria for the Romeo and Juliet Analysis Questions Criteria. It is reflective of the year 10 TEEL essay marking criteria for SACs and CATs.
This criteria will be used in peer marking exercises and should be used as a guide when preparing responses.

Romeo and Juliet Analysis Questions
Minimal/ no evidence of skill or knowledge
Some evidence of skill or knowledge
Very good evidence of skill or knowledge
Excellent evidence of skill or knowledge
Content and structure
Each answer should:
Have a clear and simple topic sentence that is directly related to the question.
Respond to the whole question in detail
Be well structured (following the TEEL format), with ideas and sentences that are logically linked.
Contain relevant and well-embedded quotes to support the ideas presented (in relation to the topic).
Attempt to reflect on/ identify what Shakespeare is saying about society through his characters.
Spelling, Grammar, Punctuation and Editing    
Accurate use of punctuation and grammar.
Accurate spelling.
Sentences make sense when read.
TOTAL:            out of 40