Wednesday, 12 November 2014

READ!!!!! SAMPLE RESPONSE for Exam Section 2 (Blog, Comment and Tweet)

Sample Response for Section 2 of the 2014 year 10 English exam

·       Responses are written in black text.

·       Instructions are printed in grey




Practice Exam Follows


Using Language to Persuade





Read the Background information paragraph titled 'A Matter of Life or Death ; then complete the  following 3 writing tasks:


a)    Write a blog where you express your point of view in relation to the issue covered in the paragraph.

Your blog must contain the following parts:

Ø  Your contention. e.g. Your point of view/opinion.

Ø  A minimum of two (2) supporting arguments. e.g. The reasons for that opinion.

Ø  A minimum of two (2) persuasive techniques. e.g. Emotive language; inclusive language; an appeal; alliteration and/or use a statistic or quote an expert.

Word limit: 200-250 words / 1 page.

Your blog name: Freeload-Nation

Target Audience: General Australian Public

e.g. The people you are attempting to persuade/convince.

Barry Cassidy’s Blog- Freeload-Nation

As a hardworking Australian I have a hard time accepting that people who aren’t working should be gifted tax payer money. I earn over 250 000 dollars. I work hard for this money. Over 60 hours a week hard in a career I have spent a quarter of a century developing. And I haven’t put in these hours so the money can be wasted on people who aren’t contributing to society, but are instead raping our society and exploiting hard working people such as myself.

Why should someone be handed almost $600 to sit on their arse playing computer games and probably smoke marijuana. Make these people work for the tax payer. Have them clean the streets, paint public infrastructure, complete menial duties and if they don’t like it, don’t pay them.

We live in the real world and the real world doesn’t tolerate free-loaders; accept it does, it does to the tune of $600. $600 worth of my hard work, sweat and tears. This needs to stop, society can't afford it and I refuse to support the lazy, the insolent and the bum.

Australian society has proudly been built on the guts, sweat and hard work of the citizens before us. Australia is the land of the free, a country where we help each other out, where we have a fair dinkum crack. But the foundations of hard work that have built this beautiful country are being compromised by a system that supports the lazy and the free loader. I’m happy to help a brother out, but I have no room for free-loaders.



b)    Write a comment that either supports or disagrees with your blog.

This comment must be as another person and must contain the following parts:

Ø  It must contain a contention. e.g. That person’s point of view/opinion.

Ø  It must contain a supportive or contradictory argument. e.g. Their reason why your reasons for your point of view/opinion is/are right or wrong.


Word limit: 100-150 words

Your comment name: Eddieperfect


Barry Cassidy, I read your blog with keen interest. It is intriguing that you say all people receiving the ‘dole’ are freeloading bogans. I am a 26 year-old art-music teacher; without the dole I would be forced to question the reality of pursuing a dream I have spent 7 years and over 30 thousand dollars working towards. The teaching industry is tight and the job market is tough so I would perhaps have to settle for a menial admin, retail or hospitality job.

Why should society lose my expertise (my band was nominated for an ARIA) because certain individuals have exploited the system. I need that money so I can survive financially while I job search. The real issue isn’t the dole itself, it’s the individuals who exploit it. You say the system supports the ‘freeloading bogan.’ No! It supports and is required by the out-of-work. Without it I and many other hard working Australian’s would be unable to survive.


c)    Write a tweet that supports either point of view/opinion

 presented in part a) or part b).

This tweet must contain a high level of bias for or against a point of view/opinion.


Word limit: 140 characters / 20-25 words

Your twitter name: @MrMunnersdirtyrunners

Target Audience: Politicians

A Tweet from @MrMunnersdirtyrunners

We must help the unfortunate help themselves. The dole is a fresh start for many and a lifeline for all. #survive #live #educate


Wednesday, 5 November 2014

(1/ES2) The Year 10 PRACTICE EXAM




Student Name:___________________________        Class:_______________________________



2014 Semester Two





Reading Time: 10 minutes

Writing Time: 120 minutes                                                                              Exam score: ______%



Instructions to Students:


        This examination has two parts:

        Part I (Reading and Responding) and Part II (Using Language to Persuade).

        Use a blue or black pen, not a leaded pencil.

        Section 1 writing on one side of the lined paper provided.

        Section 2 to be written in exam booklet.

        Place these into the exam paper for collection.

        Make sure your name is on every page of lined paper.

        Dictionaries may be used but NOT shared. There are to be NO thesauruses.

        No outside notes are to be used to complete this exam.


Ø SECTION 1 - Reading and Responding: 55 marks


Select ONE question only and write an analytical essay of 500-600 words.


Ø SECTION 2 – Using Language to Persuade: 55 marks


Follow the instructions to complete the language to persuade task 400 words.





ÖReading and Responding



Select ONE (1) question from the list below and write a carefully constructed TEEL essay on The Happiest Refugee. A Memoir  

Word range: 500-600 words.

Attempt to include specific examples and quotations from the text to support your point of view.



The Happiest Refugee. A Memoir. Anh Do


1.    The Happiest Refugee challenges its reader to consider how identity is explored within individuals. Discuss.




2. Anh’s ability to persevere reflects an inner strength, determination and courage. Do you agree?




3. The Happiest refuge suggests that our family is our greatest source of will and strength. Discuss




4. ‘I realised she was trying to comfort a scared old man, and my heart filled with love for her.’ The Happiest Refugee suggests that how we treat strangers is just as important as how we treat those close to us. Discuss.




ÖUsing Language to Persuade





Read the Background information paragraph titled 'Money For Jam" ; then complete the  following 3 writing tasks:


a)    Write a blog where you express your point of view in relation to the issue covered in the paragraph.

Your blog must contain the following parts:

Ø  Your contention. e.g. Your point of view/opinion.

Ø  A minimum of two (2) supporting arguments. e.g. The reasons for that opinion.

Ø  A minimum of two (2) persuasive techniques. e.g. Emotive language; inclusive language; an appeal; alliteration and/or use a statistic or quote an expert.


Word limit: 200-250 words / 1 page.

Your blog name: barrybogan

Target Audience: General Australian Public

e.g. The people you are attempting to persuade/convince.


b)    Write a comment that either supports or disagrees with your blog.

This comment must be as another person and must contain the following parts:

Ø  It must contain a contention. e.g. That person’s point of view/opinion.

Ø  It must contain a supportive or contradictory argument. e.g. Their reason why your reasons for your point of view/opinion is/are right or wrong.


Word limit: 100-150 words

Your comment name: Eddieperfect


c)    Write a tweet that supports either point of view/opinion

 presented in part a) or part b).

This tweet must contain a high level of bias for or against a point of view/opinion.


Word limit: 140 characters / 20-25 words

Your twitter name: LO2014

Target Audience: Politicians







Money for Jam

Australia’s unemployment rate is 6.0% which means that 754,500 people do not have paid work. Many of these people will be receiving unemployment benefits, known as the ‘Dole Allowance’.

The average ‘Dole Allowance’ is $563.45 a fortnight

This year the Federal Government tightened the eligibility rules for ‘Dole Allowance’.

One of the more controversial changes has been that you can only access the ‘Dole Allowance’ when you reach 22 years of age.

Another even more controversial change is that if you become unemployed you cannot receive the ‘Dole Allowance’ for 26 weeks or 6 months. If you are 18 years age and become unemployed how do you survive?

Australian Youth Affairs Coalition national director Leo Fieldgrass, said the plans would push young Australians into poverty and increase homelessness.

"With youth unemployment rates at sky-high levels, punishing young people for not having jobs is inconceivable," he said.

Comment No.1

The_deadman - Howard  wrote:

So it is now a "human right" to bludge off those who work? No wonder the world is going to hell in a hand basket. I work 60 hours a week. Why do my taxes have to pay people to sit on their couches and play video games? Ban the Burqa, Ha! Ban the bludgers!

 Comment No.2

RebelWithoutAClue - Cedar Pocket:

With these harsh changes to the ‘Newstart Allowance’ parents are once again being hand tied just when they may have a chance to make some financial ground, ground they'll need to make up as welfare is in the firing line for elderly pensioners. Not fair on the parents, or the kids and with less money will be pushed into poverty. And if the economy runs into trouble there's likely to be even less jobs as a result.

The unintended consequences of this, another half thought out idea, aren't pleasant.

I can feel a crime wave coming on!




Tuesday, 4 November 2014

(9/4) Some Handy Links On Our Issues

Above is a series of handy links that provide some context and background reading on the three issues for the unit.


Freedom of Speech


Gender Equality
  1. -    Anti euthanasia.
  2.  - Contains 300+comments
  3. - Definition, for and against section

(8/4) How to write a blog-tastic blog

How to write a blog-tastic blog

Section 2, Part A of the year 10 exam expects you to write one 200-250 word persuasive blog on either ‘Euthanasia,’ ‘Freedom of Speech’ or ‘Gender Equality.’ You will be provided with a paragraph of background information that well help place the issue in context. You will need to develop a point of view on the issue and construct a blog that explores that point of view.

This is the year 10 English exam section 2, part A as it will appear in your exam…

***START of Sample***


ÖUsing Language to Persuade





Read the Background information paragraph titled; 'Speech/Gender/My choice' then complete the following 3 writing tasks:

Ø  Your piece must be engaging in nature. The opening must encourage your audience to continue reading. A title or hook can be an effective method of achieving engagement, but must relate to the topic.

Ø  Your contention. e.g. Your point of view/opinion.

Ø  A minimum of two (2) supporting arguments. e.g. The reasons for that opinion supported with evidence.

Ø  A minimum of two (2) persuasive techniques. e.g. Emotive language; inclusive language; an appeal; alliteration and/or use a statistic or quote an expert.
Word limit: 200-250 words / 1 page.

Your blog name: thinkzilla

Target Audience: the Australian public, politicians, teenagers. e.g. The people you are attempting to persuade/convince.


*** END of Sample***



If you are unsure about any part of this task please speak to your teacher.

In response to the instructions above it would seem logical to organise your response into three paragraphs, one introduction and 2 supporting arguments. It would also seem logical that a call-to-action or appeal of one sentence would make for a satisfactory conclusion.

Ultimately we need to outline our argument in a concise (we only have 200-250 words) yet clear manner.

A suggested structure-


A hook: This is always an effective way to open your piece. Can take the form of a quote, an interesting fact or an anecdote but must grab the audience’s attention and make them want to read on.

Your contention: Like with any piece of writing your contention must be clear, easy to understand and must guide the body of your piece.


Supporting Paragraphs One and Two

A Topic Sentence: Each of your supporting arguments must be clearly identified. You do not want your reader to have to search for your ideas. Make them clear. You can use a traditional topic sentence or use an anecdote, an appeal or a quote to convey your idea. However, regardless of how you introduce your idea it must be clear and easy to identify.

Evidence: introducing evidence can be a very effective way of illustrating your argument. Use statistics, expert opinion, facts, quotes or anecdotes to show that your argument is relevant and valid. You also need to make sure you explain your evidence and place it in context. Your evidence must make sense within the perspective of your paragraph.


A Conclusion of Sorts

Call to action: it can be effective to encourage the reader to take action on the issue and that the required action is urgent. A sentence such as ‘if we don’t act now the innocent will quickly become engulfed by the corrupt bureaucrats,’ Can be very effective in concluding your piece.


A link to you introduction: including a link to an idea you placed in your introduction can create the idea that your piece has gone full circle and can nicely conclude your piece.

Note: if you follow the structure above you will naturally include 2 PLT’s throughout your piece.


A word of advice

Now with a 200-250 word limit it may seem difficult to include all of the above in one piece. However the idea is to use short snappy ideas and sentences and to not be overly expressive or over-cook your ideas.