Thursday, 19 May 2016

Practice Article #6: Hijacked by sport

Hijacked by sport

Since when did Anzac Day become an Anzac weekend starting on April 23? Answer: when one of Australia's biggest businesses decided to hijack it for its own profitable gain. Shame AFL, shame.

When broadcasters refer to the players as ‘modern day warriors,’ comparing them to soldiers sacrificing them themselves on bloody battlefields a little part of me dies.

Anzac Day should be ceremonially, honourably and respectfully celebrated on one day. A day of remembrances, of honour and of tributes to the young lives that made our country great.

The memory and deaths of these young loves should stand alone. They should not be profited from. Should not be monopolised. Should not be exploited.

Extending it for your own capitalist reasons, in the name of sport, is unethical, un-Australian, and an utter disgrace.

Teddy Munners, Blackburn North

Sunday, 8 May 2016

Some pointers for 10H and their language analysis CAT

Teens' safe drinking message drowned out by boozy pop songs and videos from Pink, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga
 Jackie Sinnerton. The Sunday Mail (Qld) October 06, 2013 12:00AM
HEALTH messages warning of the dangers of children drinking alcohol are being drowned out by the lyrics of chart-topping songs.
Australian Medical Association president Steve Hambleton has slammed the unprecedented levels of alcohol "glamourising'', as new research shows as many as one in five hit songs have drinking references.
"Young people are starting to drink at an earlier age and most drink in ways that put their health at risk. Alcohol marketing is a pervasive and dangerous presence in the lives of young people," Dr Hambleton said.
The most recent study of Australian high school students in 2011 revealed that children as young as 12 were dabbling in alcohol. And the Australian Bureau of Statistics 2011-12 National Health Survey showed that 31 per cent of males and 14 per cent of females aged 15 to 17 years exceeded recommended alcohol guidelines for single-occasion risk in that year.
The AMA is on a mission to bring about change in "the tricks and methods'' of alcohol marketing to children.
The new international research by university academics highlights the soaring numbers of hit songs with alcohol- related lyrics. Researchers at Liverpool John Moores University found that one in five songs in the UK charts were contained references to alcohol.
The number has doubled since 2001. The pattern is consistent with the US, with many of the hits on the ARIA charts. The researchers concluded that children listen to over two hours of music per day.
Dr Hambleton said: "It is not just teenagers who plug into the hit songs; primary school children love music too, and even if parents are vigilant about what the kids listen to, music with bad language, talk of alcohol, drugs and sex comes pumping out of loud speakers at retail outlets or other public places."
"It is hard to avoid," said worried mum Trina Moloney, of Brisbane's Murarrie. Her son Joshua, 7, loves listening to music.

"It is getting out of hand and I would welcome any moves to limit the exposure to young children."
And it's not just music lyrics, but across-the-board alcohol marketing that angers Dr Hambleton.

In a new report, the AMA puts the spotlight on Lady Gaga and slams the prevalence of alcohol in her hit music video Bad Romance, as well as songs by other female pop stars. With spirit drinks popular with teenage girls, the AMA has grave concerns for the messages coming from many top female vocalists.

YEAR 10s

Please work on finding CITCAT, the arguments and persuasive language and techniques. You have a lot of opportunity to work on your CAT today. USE IT.

THE CONTEXT: Due to an increase of pop music that contains lyrics promoting alcohol.

THE ISSUE: Whether or not pop songs are negatively impacting teens by promoting the consumption of alcohol in teenagers

ARGUMENT #1: The pop song are promoting the consumption of alcohol and this leads to kids not focusing on health messages within society.

Language Analysis CAT 2016

Year 10 Language Analysis CAT Semester 1

Ø  You have 1 period in class to complete the plan and prepare the following assessment.
Ø  Essays will be completed at home and submitted a week after distribution.
Ø  You are required to address all of the assessment criteria to the best of your ability.
Ø  Write your name and date at the top of every sheet of paper submitted.
Ø  Dictionary use is permitted.
Ø  Write a language analysis essay that must contain an introduction, 2-3 body paragraphs and a conclusion

Assessment Details

Read the article, Teens' safe drinking message drowned out by boozy pop songs and videos from Pink, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga published in The Sunday Mail, then complete the task below. Your response should be 500 – 750 words in length.


Write a language analysis essay of 4 to 5 paragraphs that presents your analysis of the ways in which written and visual language is used to present a point of view.

Background information

In our society alcohol has attained a cultural status whose influence reaches many groups in the community, especially youth. Some medical experts are of the opinion that the influence of alcohol needs to be considered more seriously.
-------------------------------------------------------FOLD HERE-------------------------------------------------------------
Submission Instructions
YOU MUST HAND IN THIS COVER SHEET or your assessment WILL NOT be assessed. This cover sheet should be filled out and handed to your teacher on the due date. Submissions without a coversheet will not be accepted.

You can submit your CAT electronically or in physical form.

Name___________________________   Form___10H_______ Submission Date_______________

Please Circle your method of Submission- Remember you MUST submit this cover sheet:   

ELECTRONICALLY to on the due date and in addition handing in this cover sheet. Electronic submissions will ONLY be accepted at the above email. Please attach a word document, include your name in the file name.

IN HARD COPY with this cover sheet, in class on the due date.

To assist you in the writing of the CAT you may choose to complete this section but it is not part of the assessment. Allow 5 to 10 minutes only for this section.
Title of article:                                                
Where published:
Author’s name:



Tone and effect on reader:


Arguments used by the author:



Persuasive technique
Effect on reader
Quote / Evidence

Teens' safe drinking message drowned out by boozy pop songs and videos from Pink, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga
 Jackie Sinnerton. The Sunday Mail (Qld) October 06, 2013 12:00AM
HEALTH messages warning of the dangers of children drinking alcohol are being drowned out by the lyrics of chart-topping songs.
Australian Medical Association president Steve Hambleton has slammed the unprecedented levels of alcohol "glamourising'', as new research shows as many as one in five hit songs have drinking references.
"Young people are starting to drink at an earlier age and most drink in ways that put their health at risk. Alcohol marketing is a pervasive and dangerous presence in the lives of young people," Dr Hambleton said.
The most recent study of Australian high school students in 2011 revealed that children as young as 12 were dabbling in alcohol. And the Australian Bureau of Statistics 2011-12 National Health Survey showed that 31 per cent of males and 14 per cent of females aged 15 to 17 years exceeded recommended alcohol guidelines for single-occasion risk in that year.
The AMA is on a mission to bring about change in "the tricks and methods'' of alcohol marketing to children.
The new international research by university academics highlights the soaring numbers of hit songs with alcohol- related lyrics. Researchers at Liverpool John Moores University found that one in five songs in the UK charts were contained references to alcohol.
The number has doubled since 2001. The pattern is consistent with the US, with many of the hits on the ARIA charts. The researchers concluded that children listen to over two hours of music per day.
Dr Hambleton said: "It is not just teenagers who plug into the hit songs; primary school children love music too, and even if parents are vigilant about what the kids listen to, music with bad language, talk of alcohol, drugs and sex comes pumping out of loud speakers at retail outlets or other public places."
"It is hard to avoid," said worried mum Trina Moloney, of Brisbane's Murarrie. Her son Joshua, 7, loves listening to music.
"It is getting out of hand and I would welcome any moves to limit the exposure to young children."
And it's not just music lyrics, but across-the-board alcohol marketing that angers Dr Hambleton.
In a new report, the AMA puts the spotlight on Lady Gaga and slams the prevalence of alcohol in her hit music video Bad Romance, as well as songs by other female pop stars. With spirit drinks popular with teenage girls, the AMA has grave concerns for the messages coming from many top female vocalists.

Language Analysis
Very High




Very Low

Not Shown

Content and structure (11 x 5 possible marks)

ü Clearly identifies the context of the issue.
ü Clearly introduces the details of the primary text presented (title, author, publication details, contention, intended audience and the author’s intention).
ü Briefly (1 sentence) references any included visual texts (outline of visual and contention, plus reference to target audience - if they are not a part of the primary text).

Body paragraphs:
Each paragraph should:
ü Present analysis in commentary style (following the integrated approach), with ideas and sentences that are logically linked.
ü Analyse the complexities of an argument presented in the text.
ü Contain analysis of how language is used to position the intended audience.
ü Contain analysis of how persuasive techniques are used to position the intended audience.
ü Contain analysis (where relevant) about the tonal shifts and their intended purpose.
ü Draw connections between the primary and accompanying texts to add depth to the analysis.
ü Draw connections between the argument and the overall contention presented

ü Clearly restates the contention, tone and intended impact on the audience of the primary text - relating it back to the context of the issue.

Spelling, Grammar, Punctuation and Editing    (3 x 5 possible marks)

ü Accurate use of punctuation and grammar.
ü Accurate spelling.
ü Sentences make sense when read (expression).

TOTAL:            out of 70    =               %

Sunday, 1 May 2016

Year 10 English: Electronic submission instructions and COVER SHEET

<Cover Sheet Starts Here>
Year 10 English Cover Sheet

Instructions: Copy the BLACK text from this document from the ‘Mr Munners’ blog.Save” the document in the following format year10CAT[unitname][studentname].doc and include the unit name [textresponse, languageanalysis, comparison] and your student name [brettmunro] as the document name. Ensure you fill out your details below so I know whose essay I’m reading. Emails will only be accepted at, you need to include you name, form and the assessment name in the subject line.
Date Submitted
Form: 10D/10H
Essay Question:

<Start writing your essay below>